Sweet Bourbon Dreams of Olirios
Actualité publié le 11/11/2021
Voici vous découvrez notre adorable "Sweet Bourbon Dreams of Olirios", née le 10/09/2021 avec 168g, elle grandit pour devenir une jolie fille, avec un caractère parfaitement équilibré - joyeuse, douce et active. Elle sera d'une jolie couleur fauve charbonnée foncé et ses futurs parents ont hâte de la rencontrer bientôt 
This is our lovely "Sweet Bourbon Dreams of Olirios", born on 9/10/2021 with 168g, she grows up to be a lovely girl, with perfectly balanced character - playful, sweet and active. She will be a lovely dark sable color and her future parents are looking forward to meeting her soon

This is our lovely "Sweet Bourbon Dreams of Olirios", born on 9/10/2021 with 168g, she grows up to be a lovely girl, with perfectly balanced character - playful, sweet and active. She will be a lovely dark sable color and her future parents are looking forward to meeting her soon

Sired by Tango Vive Vanette (Sultan Vive Vanette x Aiming High Made In Iceland)
Out of Fleurs de Lys Elite Pillango (Ponda's Haribo Zi Cogaion x Aria Silva Elite Pillango)